Showtime in Fairhope

June 14, 2021  •  4 Comments

Showtime in Fairhope

     I’ve noticed of late that there just seems to be more people here in our fair city. Or, to be specific, more people congregating around the bay, its beaches and piers. Of course, June is the wedding month of choice for many and there are no shortages of couples and wedding parties having photos taken all over the city with the beaches being the most popular spots. And, it is the beginning of summer so more folks are out and about, whether they be vacationing or just getting out of the house and enjoying all that’s available in these parts. From Friday afternoon until Sunday evening if you take a stroll along the bay front walkways, you’ll see others doing the same, serious bikers and those just enjoying a slow ‘pedal’, runners and joggers, people walking their pets and hanging out with those doing the same, picnicking couples, hammock loungers and all sorts of fishermen trying their luck at bringing home dinner. Unless the weather is just terrible, there will always be a good amount of folks around our main pier and beaches as well as the Magnolia Beach/Orange Street Pier area. But, come evening time, between 6:PM and 8:PM this time of the year, parking is at a premium and, quite often, elbow space is as well.

     It seems that folks like to end the day down at the pier or beach, hoping for a cool breeze and a gorgeous sunset. I’ll have to admit that I’m no exception. While I am always looking for scenes to capture, there seems to be no end to the beauty of the sunsets that occur most evenings. While I can’t be there for all of them, I do manage to photograph my fair share. And, I’m always looking for a shot that might not seem so obvious – something unique. Sometimes they jump right out at me and sometimes, not. This past Saturday was proving to be a ‘not’.

     I headed out with my cam in the early evening and the first thing I noticed was that the crowds were much larger than the norm. There were more people fishing, picnicking, biking and just plain hanging out than I’ve seen in quite some time. Because of the crowds and the lack of parking, I cruised from one spot to another, looking for a developing scene or one that had potential. For some reason, mostly me, I just didn’t see anything that struck me. As the time drew nearer for the sun to start dipping toward the horizon, I found myself sitting in my car at the Pier Avenue boat ramp along with quite a few others waiting on the ‘show’. Up to this point, the sun had been hiding behind a large bank of clouds, but decided to show itself before retiring for the night. As it neared its resting spot, in my mind's eye I saw the potential shot that came to fruition and accompanies this blog. I retrieved my tripod from the trunk of my car and quickly set it up on one of the finger piers for a low profile shot. I really like how it turned out and I’m thankful for living where do – where every night is ‘Showtime’!  It's a shot that I'm proud to put in my portfolio and one that provided another life-lesson. Had I given up, it would have been a lost shot. So, I tell myself that things do change - if I keep trying and doing what's right, the sky is indeed the limit, if there is one!!!


xsssShowtimeSunset from the Pier Ave. boat ramp.

All of my photos are available as prints here on my site, with framing options as well as metal and wrap mediums.  I've just created a new Gallery - Fairhope June 2021 - where new photos will be displayed in addition to my Blog links. I will be creating a new Gallery for each month to make photos easier to find. Thank you for following my work. I would appreciate any feedback you care to share. 

     I do send out a link to my blog via e-mail and Messenger in addition to posting it in various Facebook groups. Feel free to share the link with anyone you think might have an interest or if you would like to receive a link, drop me a comment or register on my site. Thank you for checking out my latest post!!



Wiseshotz Photography
Thank you, Kathleen! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Your mention of composition reminds me of one of my weaknesses with the camera. I sometimes spend so much effort and thought on composition that I overlook the settings. I can, most times, correct this and shoot again, but, sometimes, I miss the shot. Live and learn, right?
Excellent composition and mood
Wiseshotz Photography
Thanks for your input and your thoughts, Shalanda! It was a peaceful moment and quite the scene. I near done missed it!! ;)
Shalanda Jenkins(non-registered)
Simply beautiful. I see this picture and immediately think ‘PEACE‘
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